Friday, 8 November 2013

Three Things 28/52

Hello.......... It's year of happy time again, I've had another tough week health wise with this continuing relapse and trouble with the NHS trying to find a suitable Neurologist to send me to ....... it's too much of a long story to get into and far to depressing but you'd think there would be Consultant somewhere with in the NHS that can deal with ME/Lyme disease. Any road this is supposed to be a happy post and I refused to let this get me down.

Number one:

My first happy for this weeks came as a complete surprise.  Yes last Saturday morning there was a knock on the door.  It was our next door neighbour, who now works in Paris. 

He was standing there with a guitar case.

He said that he wanted me to have his 12 string guitar as he no longer plays. He said that he thinks I play guitar beautifully and likes to here me playing and singing from next door.

Such a lovely thing for him to say just  that was enough to make me smile, let alone the wonderful 12 string guitar.

I'm really looking forward to attempting to learn to play a 12 string. Currently I'm not well enough to play  anything as on top of this nasty relapse, I've managed to strain the large Latissimus Dorsi muscle in my back really painful, I wouldn't recommend it, But Wow what a lovely kind generous gift.

Number two:

May seem a little strange but it puff pastry, my illness has caused me to have a lot of problems with my immune and digestive systems. So I have developed lots of allergies and intolerances.  I can no longer eat dairy or yeast  as well as some other food without majorly bad consequences.

So I was so pleased to discover that a very famous brand of puff pastry is completely dairy free.  So over the last couple of weeks I've had some yummy tarts for lunch served with salad. This weeks was red onion asparagus and goat cheese (which I can tolerate a little of) and the above one from last week was Dairy Free Sun dried tomato pesto, cherry tomato, red onion and goats cheese.

 Pure bliss as it so lovely to be able to eat something so yummy and relatively normal. It can be very hard sometime always having to miss out on Yummy treats, so this was perfect, eating out can be a bit of a nightmare, so I normally end up cheating if we go out and paying for it later, not that we eat out very often, (another fun filled fact about ME/Chronic Lyme disease.)

Number three:

This week is meeting up with a good friend who I've not seen for a while. We went to a local hotel and sat on the comfy sofa's chatted, laughed and drank tea and coffee.  So good to have a catch up. We even had lunch at the hotel which was lovely. Just to be out of  the house for a hour or so was great, although I've been stuck in bed since, paying  the price for my outing, yes, with ME/Lyme's there is always energy payback for doing anything.

Still it was well worth it to go out and catch up with a friend  and why the picture of a Olive tree you ask ???

Well I forgot to take my camera and the Hotel's restaurant is called 'The Olive Leaf' so it kinda makes sense, well to me anyway.....

Well that's all the happy for this week, why not leave a comment letting me know something that has made you happy this weeks, I love to read them all even though I don't always get around to replying to them these days, oh for improved energy levels.

Have a happy week

Clare xx

If you'd like to hear a little bit more about living with  ME, please go and check out Hannapats latest post 'here'  she's done a wonderful job with it. It's saddens me to see much how many people are having to try and live with this terrible illness.


  1. Well, these are lovely happies and I'm glad you're managing to enjoy yourself in spite of your relapse. The tarts look delicious and beautifully made, like they were styled for a magazine! Lucky you with your new guitar; living in a house with two guitarists has given me an appreciation for nice guitars. I hope you have a good weekend, Clare.

  2. Oh what a wonderful gift Claire - I love to hear the guitar played well - all the best with learning the 12-string! Your pastries look scrumptious and I'm happy to hear you managed a lovely catch-up with your friend.
    Even though I am already aware of your health problems I so felt for you on reading your comments on Hannapat's: one of the worst things a sick person often has to fight through first is the attitude of some of the doctors, (not all of them, I hasten to add), which adds to the misery of the predicament. I hope that the help you need comes through quickly now Clare!
    Warm hugs, Joy xo

    1. Thanks Joy, I'm going to go back to the GP this week as it seems crazy to me. Although the last local neurologist I saw said 'I know much about Lyme disease, it very rare I'm sure you don't have it' and that was it. Hence my GP's trouble finding someone.
      Clare x

  3. I'm so glad you managed to get out this week Clare, and that tart looks delicious! Hope to see you on Wednesday if you're feeling up to it xxx

  4. That is a wonderful gift from your neighbour. I hope it brings you much joy. I'm sorry to hear about your health problems and I do hope you are able to get some appropriate help soon. Hugs. xx

  5. Hello lovely and before I comment in this post I want to say a big thank you for your wonderful input in to my ME post, I think it's so important for people to understand and I really feel for you with your struggles with Lyme disease. It's a pity your down south as I know of someone who might point you in the right direction up north. It's a disgrace and you shouldn't have to wait like this. You are always int thoughts and I do hope that very soon you will find the correct neurologist to support your Lyme disease. I'm sorry to hear that you've also injured your latissimi dorsi muscle as that won't be helping your immunity either. I love your positive outlook and its an inspiration to so many people. You should be proud Clare!! How very lovely of your neighbour to give you that beautiful guitar, I can't wait to hear you play and sing, you will have to put a little recording on your blog one day. You must have been so touched by his thoughtful and generous gift. I'm also pleased to hear you got out with your friend, it's so important despite the payback, we need these little things to keep us going. I went to a bonfire night last night in our village, it's was unplanned and despite feeling utterly exhausted I thought sod it I'm going and it was so so lovely. We weren't there for long as my little one had a sore tummy but just to be out and experience a few fireworks and the smell if the bonfire was wonderful!! Thank you for all your support and also for mentioning my post here, I appreciate it so much. Sending you much love and sorry for the long comment xoxo

    1. Aww thanks for your lovely comment, glad to hear you made it out to the firework, we went to some too, there quite a tale to tell so I'll save it for my year of happy post on Friday. If you really want to have a listen I've put a link to my friend bands you tube page here which has a couple of video of my songs eek . xx

  6. What a great present Clare! your 12 string guitar is a beautiful instrument. I struggle with my 6 strings he he xx

  7. What a fab present from your neighbour. I'm a wee bit in love with that pretty flowery plate the tart is on!
    Marianne x
