Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Salt Dough Halloween

Hello....... Yesterday craft club was all about bats hats and cats, oh and pumpkins too.

Oh yes was had some fun with glitter and paint, it made such a fun change, as the lady who runs our craft club also runs a craft group for children once a month and she had some left over salt dough shapes, so we decided it was only right that the grown up should have a go too !!!!

So salt dough shapes, paints, glitter and newspaper were handed out much to the surprise of the other library goers !! and we sure had some fun, my inner child and inner magpie (all that sparkle) sure were happy.

First up was painted them...

Then we decorated them with glitter and glue.

Lookie how cute my little black cat turn out with his lightly sprinkle sparkles in purple and green.

and I just loved how 'B''s glitter bats turned out, 

So Spookytatstic, 

I happily went off home with my shapes, however all the time I was at craft club I was thinking I wish had some glitter glue with me.

So when I got home the fun continued with pink glitter glue and stars

 adding the finishing touches

To my bats, hats and cats.........

Now about that bat, well I added some purple glitter glue to the front, but he has another secret too!!

He also has a glam rock glitter back!!!

Yay for Halloween fun !!!

Happy Crafting

Clare xx


  1. They look great, I used to enjoy making salt dough decorations. I haven't made any for years xx

  2. Great idea for making decorations! I love your glam rock bat!! xx

  3. I haven't made any salt dough shapes in years. You have wetted my appetite. I love your witches hats especially onece the glitter went on. Hugs Mrs A.

  4. These are super cute! Must try these with my girls :)

  5. They are great I have the same cutters!x

  6. Nice to drop by Clare. Jo x

  7. Oh it's been years since I got to play with salt dough! Great Halloween decorations :) x

  8. They are brilliant, it's great to act as a child even if only for a while.
